It’s kind of a given that if you work as a press photographer you’ll have some cold early morning starts. This goes across the board, from a weekly local paper to an international agency photographer. More often than not it’ll involve a court case and a good few hours facing the brunt of mother nature’s cold, slapping fingers. But every so often you’ll have a morning where you’ll be stood there thinking “my job’s pretty damn good”. I have to admit it didn’t start that way when I took this shot of Stourhead. It was cloudy, cold and didn’t look (or feel) particularly autumnal. Then, just as the sun breached the horizon, the clouds parted and I got this shot. The next day, on the way to the office, I heard Mr Humphries on Radio 4’s Today programme talk about a golden autumn scene across two pages in the Daily Mail. Two good mornings in a row (it was this picture BTW).

February 9, 2012